Pregnant lady in a swimsuit
There are a lot of questions about whether you should exercise during pregnancy. Most people will tell you that the best thing you can do for you and your baby is exercise during pregnancy.
During pregnancy, it is important that you take care of yourself and your baby, you need to get the appropriate nutrients and energy needed to keep you both healthy. Physical activity is just as important when you are pregnant, it will help you both physically and mentally.
Before you embark in exercise during pregnancy, discuss a plan with your doctor, they will be able to advise you and may be able to suggest certain programmes that will be suitable for you and your pregnancy. There is no point embarking on a hard programme if you are not used to exercising, but if you are a bit of a gym bunny then a gentle 15-minute walk a day will just not be enough.
There are many exercises during pregnancy classes available such as yoga or Pilates. Even just walking or swimming is a great exercise during pregnancy to start with, even 15-20 minutes per day is beneficial and a good place to start, you can always increase the exercise when you feel comfortable with what you are doing and if you feel up to doing slightly more you can. Doctors suggest avoiding jumping or jarring movements throughout your pregnancy if you are unsure about any exercise during pregnancy always check with your doctor first.
If going to an exercise class scares you, there are plenty of things you can do at home or at work to keep fit, such as walking instead of taking the car or getting off the bus one or two stops earlier. Preparing your arms for the workout they will get when the baby arrives can be done with just everyday activities such as lifting the shopping bags, doing the gardening, all of this will help when you are going to be picking up that baby a fair few times of the day and the night. Even doing the housework can be a great exercise during pregnancy, why not make that part of your activity programme. Not only will it keep you fit but also keep your house shiny and clean in the process.
Staying active during pregnancy will help you sleep better, it can also help reduce your anxiety levels and it can help reduce a lot of common complaints of pregnancy such as varicose veins and swollen ankles and feet.